August 10-17
$250 Deposit Due at Sign up to reserve a spot
Short-term missions trips require a major time commitment. In addition to the trip itself, there will be multiple team trainings prior to departure. On top of the trip meetings, each member of the team will be expected to commit to regularly daily prayer and devotions set by the pastors and team leaders for this trip and team.
Please provide contact information of someone not traveling with your team who may be contacted in the event of an emergency
Journey Church Short-Term Mission Teams and their appointed team leaders have my permission to authorize any medical treatment deemed necessary for me or my child by the aforementioned and the attending physician, including administration of medication, anesthesia, emergency surgery, or hospitalization.
I agree to assume complete financial responsibility for all medical bills incurred by me or my child.
I agree to assume total financial responsibility to travel home immediately if it is necessary for medical or any other emergency reasons
In signing this form, I agree not to hold Journey Church, its officers, employees, or other agents liable for any injury, loss, damage, or accident that I might sustain while on a short-term mission event/effort.
I realize and acknowledge that my participation on a mission trip to a foreign country includes risk and possible dangers. I am well aware that my travel to such a foreign country exposes me to such risks as accidents, disease, war, political unrest, injury from construction projects, and other calamities.
I hereby assume any such risks that might result from my participation in any such mission project, and I unconditionally agree to hold Journey Church, its officers, employees, or other agents harmless for any liability concerning my personal health and wellbeing, or any liability for my personal property that might be lost, damaged, or stolen while on a short-term mission trip.
I hereby expressly forever release and discharge Journey Church, its officers, employees, or agents from all such claims, demands, injuries, damages, or causes of action arising from any conduct on the part of Journey Church, its officers, agents, or employees.
I hereby authorize Journey Church to conduct a background screen by any entity chosen by the Church specifically for conducting this search
to release information regarding any record of charges or convictions in any criminal file maintained on me, whether said file is a local, state, or national file, and including but not limited to accusations and convictions for crimes committed against minors, to the fullest extent permitted by state and federal law. I do release Journey Church and other entities from all liability that may result from any such disclosure made in response to this request.
After consent, one of the Journey Church Pastors will contact you to fill out a criminal background which will require you to input your personal information, including social security number, into a secure online system where we will not store any numbers or personal information.